Webmaster Ilona sent me a Milan Kundera quote last year. It is one I will use in a presentation tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock in the Lancaster Library in Kilmarnock.
Kundera died last July in Paris at age 94. The quote I am using comes from his novel, The Unbearable Lightness of Being. (The film version of his novel is worth seeing.)
Here is the quote I will use tomorrow in my address on Tennis Talk of a Nobody.
“We call serendipity—the gladsome coincidence of two events, rendered meaningful by the emotional weight of each and the infinitesimal cosmic odds of their co-occurrence.
But these highly improbable gifts of chance are also rendered meaningful by the focus of our attention, by choosing to attend to those particular elements of reality amid the myriad others swarming us at the same time—for how we choose to pay attention renders the world what it is.”
AI wants a change “particular elements” and has highlighted it in purple. I choose not to pay attention to it.
Until next week and back to literature I love….